
Project 365 days in photography ° Me today ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° Jaz danes

I've been absent for almost a month... I just couldn't find the time or energy to follow the project... At first it was just a few days and those few days turned into weeks... But I know that I needed this time. And I might take a few days off again, but I won't worry about it... Since I have a feeling that the real storm is yet to come, because it feels like the silence before the storm these days... But I am here today. I just am. A bit blurry, like the photo.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 62 - Up ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 62. dan - Gor

After a long day at work, I came home, sat in my room, looked up and saw that I have a few busy visitors in around the lights on the ceiling.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 60 - Me today ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 60. dan - Jaz danes

Today, I am eating donuts because it's the time of the carnival here and it's traditional to eat them the celebration... And it's almost the only time that I crave donuts anyway, so I might as well enjoy them while I can.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 58 - I read ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 58. dan - Berem

I took a few days off and I've been contemplating whether or not I should continue with this project... Because when I look at my past posts I feel like the photos I took are not very representative of me. I decided to print another batch of my photos and I only chose 1 photo out of this project. So for now, if the word of the day will speak to me enough to take a photo, I will do it, otherwise I will not worry too much about it. And today's word inspired this photo and got me thinking about the fact that I don't read enough and that I should read at least one book per month (besides the ones I have to start reading for my studies). I need to get my brain in motion and this book is very stimulating.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 52 - Alive ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 52. dan - Živ

A few years ago I entered a contest for the best quote to win a t-shirt with a word of my choosing printed on it. After winning the contest with the quote that is also the title of this blog, I chose the word Alive. Partly because I wanted to feel more alive at that time and partly because I already had a photo that I would take wearing this shirt in my mind... But I didn't manage to take the photo yet. So I just took a shot of the shirt.
And I am very happy to say, that I do feel more alive than when I got the shirt, but wearing it has little to do with it.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 51 - Safe ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 51. dan - Varen

My first thought when I saw today's word was a piggy bank. But then I remembered something else... So I dug up my old diary I kept when I was a teenager, which is still without a lock, so just this tiny hook keeps my secrets safe.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 50 - Fifteen ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 50. dan - Petnajst

It's the fiftieth day of our project and the word of the day is fifteen. It is also my brother's birthday and I though about looking for a photo of him when he was that age, but then I decided to look for the fifteenth page of the book I read a few days ago. It's my favourite book - Skellig by David Almond and I've read it a couple of times already. But it always gets to me in some way I can't exactly explain. Maybe it's because I read it for the first time when I was a teenager and was just so enchanting to me. Or maybe it just touches some part of me in a certain way. I just love it, though some don't share my opinion and don't find it as fascinating :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 48 - There ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 48. dan - Tam

I immediately knew what I was going to photograph today and although I thought I would manage to take the shot a bit earlier, I like the darkness... There is where I thought the witches and all creepy creatures hide when I was little. There is where I thought the wild things were... Right over there, in that tiny little patch of forest. And sometimes I still get an eerie feeling about that place when I look at it in the evening, especially when it's foggy or cloudy like today.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 47 - Shadow ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 47. dan - Senca

I thought I'd be chasing shadows today but when I found a patch of snow lingering behind a house because of the shadow it cast on it, I decided that would be my shot of the day.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 46 - Memory ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 46. dan - Spomin

I have quite a few memories caught on camera hanging on my wall... And after this project ends, I'll have even more choices to add to my collection.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 45 - Romantic ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 45. dan - Romantičen

Yesterday I took a day off. The topic was guilty/curvy which wasn't that hard to find somewhere, but I just couldn't and couldn't get the idea for my shot. So I decided to sit that one out and continue today. I really don't like today's holiday - Valentine's day. I think it's become too commercialized and seeing all the hearts and flowers everywhere makes me roll my eyes. But when I got one of the most beautiful ''gifts'' in the morning, it made my day. Though it didn't change my opinion of the holiday but it was amazing. So when I got to work and noticed that the bruise on my arm that has been there for a few days now is in the shape of a heart (or at least I think it is) I knew I had my shot.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 42 - Sharp ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 42. dan - Oster

The first thing I thought of when I saw today's word was the saying my friend used to say to me all the time - Words are swords. I meant to photograph this quote but then decided to choose another thing that also needs to be sharp.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 41 - Green ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 41. dan - Zelen

Another day for celebration :) I put quite a lot of green in the birthday mix for the tortillas I made for my friends. And it was another amazing day for me.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 40 - Legendary ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 40. dan - Legendaren

Last night's party and today were: LEGEN... wait for it... and I hope you're not allergic to dairy... DARY! :) Spent with legendary people, having legendary conversations, laughing and enjoying. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 39 - Soft ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 39. dan - Mehak

I love soft and fluffy things... Soft cardigans, soft scarves and soft pom-poms on top of my cap :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 38 - Different ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 38. dan - Drugačen

Today's word was perfect for tonight. Because after coming home from work, I decided I would have a different Friday evening. So I didn't go out... I stayed in, put on some warm socks and watched a movie by myself. :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 37 - Deviation ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 37. dan - Odklon

Deviation... This was also a tough one. But then I found this painting and saw how the lines deviated from their course, how the lines were blurred...


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 36 - Manipulation ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 36. dan - Manipulacija

Some of this month's words may be quite difficult to capture... The first that caused some problems and made me think about it more than I usually do, was today's word - manipulation. But as I was holding my camera I realized that the manipulation I like the most is the one that my camera enables me to do. With depth of field. So I took a photo, playing with the settings and here it is...


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 35 - Thought ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 35. dan - Misel

This thought has been with me for a few years now, it also inspired this blog and resonates the most with me...


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 34 - Light ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 34. dan - Svetloba

These days we haven't had much electricity so the only light that we had in the evenings was the one coming from the candles... But since I took this photo during the daytime, I decided to photograph my beautiful candle holder.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 32 - Me today ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 32. dan - Jaz danes

I wanted to use this idea for the topic I grow a few days ago, but I think it might be more appropriate today. Me today, only a bit over a week away from my birthday, is screaming - I don't want to grow up! So this onesie I bought for myself is the perfect example of that. I used to wear them when I was little and it's still the best thing to wear even now, though it was much easier when I was wearing a diaper :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 31 - Foreign ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 31. dan - Tuje

I prefer reading books in their original language if possible - that is, in a foreign language.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 28 - I grow ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 28. dan - Rastem

My room plants grow in spite of the fact that I don't take care of them as much as I should...


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 24 - Play ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 24. dan - Igra

During my Modern English Drama course, I learned that a pause in a play can be even more significant than words. The author can convey so many meanings by inserting a pause in the dialogue. And it is the same with our everyday lives. Even stillness can teach us certain lessons. When nothing is happening in our lives, we should think about what we should learn from it.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 23 - A look ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 23. dan - Pogled

It's not always easy... to take A LOOK in the mirror... So this time, I hid behind my camera a bit...


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 22 - Discovered ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 22. dan - Odkrito

Today's word was one of the toughest so far... But when I baked this bun, I knew it was going to be in my photo of the day, because in the recent years I've discovered my love of baking and cooking :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 21 - I read ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 21. dan - Berem

I started reading this book months ago, but haven't had the time to finish it. I love reading but I have periods of time when I somehow don't have the time or the right energy to do it. And there are other times when I can't put the books down and spend most of my nights reading. So I'm just waiting for that to happen again, so I'll be able to finally finish this one.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 20 - Genuine ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 20. dan - Pristen

So I'm cheating just a bit today, but not because I was lazy or anything like that, but because I had an exam and though I took my camera with me, I didn't manage to take any photos. I thought I will have to skip the day, but as I was going through the photos I took three days ago, I found the perfect one. I visited my friend whom I've known for more than 10 years and took a few shots of her and her little boy. Though he's not that little anymore. I can see the genuine bond between a mother and her son and I love how their entwined hands are in focus.

A big thanks to my friend for letting me use this photo :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 19 - Visitor ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 19. dan - Obiskovalec

This little girl is a common visitor in my world. Though she often goes off on her own adventures in wonderland, dreamland and some other land I don't remember the name, she always comes back to check up on me. When she puts on her shiny shoes and bright cardigan, I know that I won't see her for a while. But I can always count on her returning with a big smile on her cute little face.

Sunny Sunday (12.1.2014)

Today is a gloomy rainy Sunday, which makes me miss the last one even more... It was one of those days when you can do ordinary things like go sit by the river with your favourite people and it just feels like a holiday. Special moments like that make life worth living.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 18 - Ordinary ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 18. dan - Navaden

Take a bunch of ordinary colourful pieces of paper... and make a rainbow... It might help, especially on this gloomy rainy day. :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 17 - Home ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 17. dan - Dom

The weather ruined my plan for today's photo... When I lived in the capital, I knew I was home when I drove off the highway. And I knew I was definitely home when I saw the view from our terrace. But the clouds blocked the view today so I couldn't take the shot. So instead, I took this one. Home for me is also where I can take my pile of pillows, line them up and throw myself on them :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 16 - Big ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 16. dan - Velik

As soon as I saw today's word, I thought of this heart that I've had for a few years now. It's soft and you can squeeze it - that's also good for my hands, now that I think of it... But that's not the point. The thing is that I've been thinking about an alternative the whole day but I knew that today's story is about my big heart. Sometimes too big, often trying to take over the entire system, making my mind go crazy with emotion. I can't be any different - I probably feel every feeling more intensely than most people. So these big feelings can overwhelm me. But I don't know any other way. I used to shut down that part of me but it didn't do me any good. So I've decided to stay true to myself and live my life and feel my feelings to the fullest. Even if it's not always great, even if it hurts even more when I get burnt... If I didn't fall down, I wouldn't know when I'm on the top. So don't be afraid of big feelings or big hearts. They only lead to big lessons and big lives.