
Project 365 days in photography ° Day 45 - Romantic ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 45. dan - Romantičen

Yesterday I took a day off. The topic was guilty/curvy which wasn't that hard to find somewhere, but I just couldn't and couldn't get the idea for my shot. So I decided to sit that one out and continue today. I really don't like today's holiday - Valentine's day. I think it's become too commercialized and seeing all the hearts and flowers everywhere makes me roll my eyes. But when I got one of the most beautiful ''gifts'' in the morning, it made my day. Though it didn't change my opinion of the holiday but it was amazing. So when I got to work and noticed that the bruise on my arm that has been there for a few days now is in the shape of a heart (or at least I think it is) I knew I had my shot.

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