
Project 365 days in photography ° Day 58 - I read ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 58. dan - Berem

I took a few days off and I've been contemplating whether or not I should continue with this project... Because when I look at my past posts I feel like the photos I took are not very representative of me. I decided to print another batch of my photos and I only chose 1 photo out of this project. So for now, if the word of the day will speak to me enough to take a photo, I will do it, otherwise I will not worry too much about it. And today's word inspired this photo and got me thinking about the fact that I don't read enough and that I should read at least one book per month (besides the ones I have to start reading for my studies). I need to get my brain in motion and this book is very stimulating.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 52 - Alive ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 52. dan - Živ

A few years ago I entered a contest for the best quote to win a t-shirt with a word of my choosing printed on it. After winning the contest with the quote that is also the title of this blog, I chose the word Alive. Partly because I wanted to feel more alive at that time and partly because I already had a photo that I would take wearing this shirt in my mind... But I didn't manage to take the photo yet. So I just took a shot of the shirt.
And I am very happy to say, that I do feel more alive than when I got the shirt, but wearing it has little to do with it.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 51 - Safe ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 51. dan - Varen

My first thought when I saw today's word was a piggy bank. But then I remembered something else... So I dug up my old diary I kept when I was a teenager, which is still without a lock, so just this tiny hook keeps my secrets safe.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 50 - Fifteen ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 50. dan - Petnajst

It's the fiftieth day of our project and the word of the day is fifteen. It is also my brother's birthday and I though about looking for a photo of him when he was that age, but then I decided to look for the fifteenth page of the book I read a few days ago. It's my favourite book - Skellig by David Almond and I've read it a couple of times already. But it always gets to me in some way I can't exactly explain. Maybe it's because I read it for the first time when I was a teenager and was just so enchanting to me. Or maybe it just touches some part of me in a certain way. I just love it, though some don't share my opinion and don't find it as fascinating :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 48 - There ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 48. dan - Tam

I immediately knew what I was going to photograph today and although I thought I would manage to take the shot a bit earlier, I like the darkness... There is where I thought the witches and all creepy creatures hide when I was little. There is where I thought the wild things were... Right over there, in that tiny little patch of forest. And sometimes I still get an eerie feeling about that place when I look at it in the evening, especially when it's foggy or cloudy like today.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 47 - Shadow ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 47. dan - Senca

I thought I'd be chasing shadows today but when I found a patch of snow lingering behind a house because of the shadow it cast on it, I decided that would be my shot of the day.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 46 - Memory ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 46. dan - Spomin

I have quite a few memories caught on camera hanging on my wall... And after this project ends, I'll have even more choices to add to my collection.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 45 - Romantic ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 45. dan - Romantičen

Yesterday I took a day off. The topic was guilty/curvy which wasn't that hard to find somewhere, but I just couldn't and couldn't get the idea for my shot. So I decided to sit that one out and continue today. I really don't like today's holiday - Valentine's day. I think it's become too commercialized and seeing all the hearts and flowers everywhere makes me roll my eyes. But when I got one of the most beautiful ''gifts'' in the morning, it made my day. Though it didn't change my opinion of the holiday but it was amazing. So when I got to work and noticed that the bruise on my arm that has been there for a few days now is in the shape of a heart (or at least I think it is) I knew I had my shot.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 42 - Sharp ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 42. dan - Oster

The first thing I thought of when I saw today's word was the saying my friend used to say to me all the time - Words are swords. I meant to photograph this quote but then decided to choose another thing that also needs to be sharp.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 41 - Green ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 41. dan - Zelen

Another day for celebration :) I put quite a lot of green in the birthday mix for the tortillas I made for my friends. And it was another amazing day for me.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 40 - Legendary ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 40. dan - Legendaren

Last night's party and today were: LEGEN... wait for it... and I hope you're not allergic to dairy... DARY! :) Spent with legendary people, having legendary conversations, laughing and enjoying. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 39 - Soft ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 39. dan - Mehak

I love soft and fluffy things... Soft cardigans, soft scarves and soft pom-poms on top of my cap :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 38 - Different ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 38. dan - Drugačen

Today's word was perfect for tonight. Because after coming home from work, I decided I would have a different Friday evening. So I didn't go out... I stayed in, put on some warm socks and watched a movie by myself. :)


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 37 - Deviation ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 37. dan - Odklon

Deviation... This was also a tough one. But then I found this painting and saw how the lines deviated from their course, how the lines were blurred...


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 36 - Manipulation ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 36. dan - Manipulacija

Some of this month's words may be quite difficult to capture... The first that caused some problems and made me think about it more than I usually do, was today's word - manipulation. But as I was holding my camera I realized that the manipulation I like the most is the one that my camera enables me to do. With depth of field. So I took a photo, playing with the settings and here it is...


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 35 - Thought ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 35. dan - Misel

This thought has been with me for a few years now, it also inspired this blog and resonates the most with me...


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 34 - Light ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 34. dan - Svetloba

These days we haven't had much electricity so the only light that we had in the evenings was the one coming from the candles... But since I took this photo during the daytime, I decided to photograph my beautiful candle holder.


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 32 - Me today ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 32. dan - Jaz danes

I wanted to use this idea for the topic I grow a few days ago, but I think it might be more appropriate today. Me today, only a bit over a week away from my birthday, is screaming - I don't want to grow up! So this onesie I bought for myself is the perfect example of that. I used to wear them when I was little and it's still the best thing to wear even now, though it was much easier when I was wearing a diaper :)