
Project 365 days in photography ° Day 2 - Me today ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 2. dan - Jaz danes

When I saw today's topic I caught a glimpse of this frame over my laptop... So I immediately took my camera and I knew this was my photo of the day. Why? Because I feel like I am, as is this little ceramic owl, just peeking out... I feel like I'm just beginning to come out of my shell in which I was stuck for years and I'm finally beginning to feel like myself again... And although I'm half way there, it still needs a lot of work and, of course, time, but I'm happy to do it. Because I know that in the end, it's all going to be worth it.

So, instead of posting a photo of me today, I'm posting this owl. And since I love owls, I think it's appropriate to do so.

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