
Easy peasy cookies recipe *** Enostavni piškoti

I usually get discouraged when I see a recipe with a long list of ingredients and even longer instructions. Because that means I'll be working in the kitchen for hours. Which is sometimes totally worth it (like with the meat balls that I plan on making soon - this time with my camera) but other times I just want something simple. I'm not a very big fan of sweets but I love these cookies. 

INGREDIENTS (for 10-15 cookies):
Banana ... 2
Oatmeal ... 1 cup
Raisins/dates/other dried fruit
Almonds/hazelnuts/walnuts/other nuts
Dark chocolate

Mash the bananas in a bowl with a fork. Chop the oatmeal, dried fruit and nuts in a mixer. Cut the dark chocolate in smaller pieces. You can use any dried fruit and nuts you like. Mix them with the bananas. 

Take a spoonful and spread it on the baking paper. Bake for 15-20 minutes on 180°C. 



SESTAVINE (za 10-15 piškotov)
2 banani
1 skodelica ovsenih kosmičev
Rozine/datlji/drugo suho sadje
Mandlji/lešniki/orehi/drugi oreščki
Temna čokolada

Z vilico zmečkamo banani. Ovsene kosmiče, oreščke in sadje nasekljamo v multipraktiku. Čokolado narežemo na manjše koščke. Vse skupaj dobro zmešamo. Na peki papir damo približno eno žlico mase in jo lepo razporedimo in oblikujemo piškote. Pečemo 15-20 minut na 180 stopinjah (jaz sem najprej pekla 15 minut na navadni nastavitvi, nato pa še 5 minut na ventilacijski). 

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