
The beginnings...

I found these photos while going through some old files and remembered my beginnings... Back then, I didn't have my own camera so I had to borrow it but I can already see how detail oriented I was already back then. These were taken back in 2008, I think, in beautiful Ptuj.


Christmas decorations (07.12.2013)

I don't have a tendency to decorate my room according to the seasons, but this year I found these beautiful decorations and the owls convinced me. Yes, I love owls :) So these Christmas decorations were perfect for me.


Little details of our home (07.12.2013)

As you've probably noticed, I like taking photos of little details that catch my attention... During coffee break with my mom, I caught these...


Morning light (26.11.2013)

I woke up that morning to a beautiful morning, much like today. The light was pouring through my window, the sky was clear and I just had to capture it...


First snow of the season at Golte (24.11.2013)

I was working really early on Sunday. But still we decided to go to Golte after lunch to see the first snow of this season. There was about 40 cm of snow so it was quite difficult to walk, the wind was blowing so the snow blew in our faces, but it was totally worth it. 


Morning walk - part 2 (27.10.2013)

I adore the autumn colours. And the tiny spider webs you can mostly see only in the morning, when they're still wet with morning dew and the sunlight reflects off them. After the sun dries them, you probably won't notice them at all.


Easy peasy cookies recipe *** Enostavni piškoti

I usually get discouraged when I see a recipe with a long list of ingredients and even longer instructions. Because that means I'll be working in the kitchen for hours. Which is sometimes totally worth it (like with the meat balls that I plan on making soon - this time with my camera) but other times I just want something simple. I'm not a very big fan of sweets but I love these cookies. 

INGREDIENTS (for 10-15 cookies):
Banana ... 2
Oatmeal ... 1 cup
Raisins/dates/other dried fruit
Almonds/hazelnuts/walnuts/other nuts
Dark chocolate

Mash the bananas in a bowl with a fork. Chop the oatmeal, dried fruit and nuts in a mixer. Cut the dark chocolate in smaller pieces. You can use any dried fruit and nuts you like. Mix them with the bananas. 

Take a spoonful and spread it on the baking paper. Bake for 15-20 minutes on 180°C. 



SESTAVINE (za 10-15 piškotov)
2 banani
1 skodelica ovsenih kosmičev
Rozine/datlji/drugo suho sadje
Mandlji/lešniki/orehi/drugi oreščki
Temna čokolada

Z vilico zmečkamo banani. Ovsene kosmiče, oreščke in sadje nasekljamo v multipraktiku. Čokolado narežemo na manjše koščke. Vse skupaj dobro zmešamo. Na peki papir damo približno eno žlico mase in jo lepo razporedimo in oblikujemo piškote. Pečemo 15-20 minut na 180 stopinjah (jaz sem najprej pekla 15 minut na navadni nastavitvi, nato pa še 5 minut na ventilacijski). 


Morning walk - part 1 (27.10.2013)

I woke up in the morning, looked out the window, saw the fog and knew I needed to go for a walk. And I was right. In about fifteen minutes the fog was gone and I was glad I was able to take a few shots before that.


Cheese (and ham) rolls recipe *** Polžki s sirom (in šunko)

Since I was baking for hours yesterday, I decided to put the recipes and photos of my labour up here... Today's recipe is for a salty snack. It is a bit messy and takes a few hours, but once you get the hang of it, it's a piece of cake :) 

Flour ... 1kg
Warm water ... 2 dcl
Fresh yeast ... 42 g (1 cube)
Sugar ... 1 tsp
Egg ... 1
Egg yolk ... 1
Salt ... 1 tsp
Oil ... 1.5 dl
Milk ... 250 ml (or less)
Feta cheese ... 400 g
Crème fraiche ... 180 g (1 cup)
Egg ... 2
(Ham ... a few slices)
a pinch of salt
Egg ... 1
Egg white ... 1
Sesame seeds
Flax seeds

Add a cube of fresh yeast and sugar to warm water, mix it all together and let it rise.
Mix together the flour, eggs, egg yolk, milk and oil and add the yeast after it rises. Make soft and smooth dough - if needed, add more milk. Cover the dough with a cloth and let it rise. I left it for 30-60 minutes. It will rise faster if you put it somewhere warm.

While we're waiting, we prepare the filling. Grate the cheese (I didn't have feta cheese, so I used the one stored in brine, which is more like cottage cheese, so I couldn't grate it, I just mashed it with my fingers), add crème fraiche, salt, eggs and mix it all together.

Divide the dough into 8 parts. Roll out the dough into 20 x 20 cm squares. Be careful not to roll it out too much - otherwise it will be harder to cut it afterwards.  
Spread out a part of the filling onto the dough (divide the filling into 8 parts too). You can also add slices of ham on one half of the dough. Roll in the dough and cut it in 2 cm rings. 

Prepare the baking pan by spreading the baking paper over it. 

Put the rings on the baking paper and spread them out flat. Mix the egg and egg white together and coat the rings with the mix. Sprinkle them with the seeds. 

Bake at 180°C for 20-30 minutes. Bon apetit!


1 kg moke
2 dl tople vode
1 kocka kvasa
1 žlička sladkorja
1 jajce
1 rumenjak
1 žlička soli
1,5 dl olja
250 ml mleka (lahko tudi manj)
400 g feta sira (ali sira v slanici)
1 kisla smetana
2 jajci
malo soli
šunka (po želji)
Za premaz:
1 beljak
1 jajce
laneno seme

Vodi dodamo kvas in sladkor, premešamo in počakamo, da naraste.

Moko, jajce, rumenjak, sol, mleko in olje dobro premešamo (v mešalniku/na roke) in dodamo kvasno mešanico. Napravimo mehko, voljno testo. Mleko dodajamo po potrebi, da dobimo pravo testo. Testo pokrijemo in pustimo počivati, da naraste.

Medtem ko čakamo, pripravimo nadev. Feta sir naribamo, dodamo kislo smetano, sol in jajci.

Iz testa napravimo 8 kroglic. Kroglice razvaljamo v obliki kvadrata 20 x 20 cm. Z delom namaza (moramo ga imeti za 8x) namažemo testo po vsej površini. Na vrh premaza lahko na polovico površine položimo rezine šunke. Naredimo roladice, ki jih narežemo na 2 cm obročke. Te obročke položimo na peki papir, razgrnemo, pomažemo z jajcem in posujemo s semeni.

Pečemo pri 180 stopinjah od 20-30 minut.


Busy Friday (25.10.2013)

Today was a very busy Friday :) Recipes to follow in the upcoming days...


Randomness (19.10.2013)


Autumn is here (19.10.2013)

Spending a weekend at a mountain cabin gave me a chance to take a few shots of the beautiful changing nature.

I love the autumn colours...

Maybe sometimes you don't see the road ahead very clearly...
Maybe there are some shadows on the way...
But always go towards the light.